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King Arthur: Legion IX

Can be activated in: United States of America

Release Date:May 9, 2024
Operating Systems:
Publisher:NeocoreGames Distribution s.r.o
Subtitles:English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Menu:English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish


King Arthur: Legion IX is a turn-based, character-centric tactical RPG in the King Arthur: Knight's Tale universe - a dark fantasy version of the Arthurian myth. King Arthur: Legion IX welcomes new players to the mythical land of Avalon with an all-new story and heroes, also offering tough challenges to returning veterans.

A new threat looms over Avalon as the long-lost, infamous Ninth Legion of Rome has set foot on the mythical island. Their commander, the fallen hero, Gaius Julius Mento was…

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