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Children Of Morta: Paws And Claws video 0
Children Of Morta: Paws And Claws screenshot 0
Children Of Morta: Paws And Claws screenshot 1
DLC (Downloadable Content) Children Of Morta: Paws And Claws requires the main game on the same platform in order to play.

Children Of Morta: Paws And Claws

Can be activated in: United States of America

Release Date:August 24, 2020
Operating Systems:
Genres:Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG, STEAM DECK COMPATIBILITY - Verified
Publisher:11 Bit Studios
Developer:Dead Mage
Subtitles:English, French, German, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese
Menu:English, French, German, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese


Notice: 100% of 11 bit studios and Dead Mage's proceeds go to the Humane Society International charity! Children of Morta: Paws and Claws has raised more than 300 000 $ for all animals in need since its release. Hunters of the night, creatures of the day. They howl, growl, hiss and grumble - but more than anything, they feel and think in a similar way that we all do. And their lives are as precious as ours. This DLC adds new features to the game - like the Animal Shelter System, new boosts, an…

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